Project Description

We led renovations on the Fisk Tire Building on Portland’s historic NW 13th Avenue, originally designed in 1924 by Strong and MacNaughton as a tire showroom and warehouse. Like other industrial buildings on NW 13th, this quarter-block building was organized around a loading dock and canopy that was served by rail. We renovated the shell and basement of the building for retail use and restored the elements that contribute to the unique character of NW 13th Avenue, including the delicate steel slash windows and masonry exterior.
Today, 13th Avenue is a bustling retail corridor well trafficked by both vehicles and pedestrians, and is a popular walking destination for tourists exploring the city. We designed a more expansive loading dock, allowing retail activity to spill out into the street and allowing pedestrians to use this original feature of the building as they would a sidewalk. Utilizing the NW 13th Design Guidelines, these renovations preserve the building’s unique character and contribute to the street’s status as a dynamic corridor.